Hydroponics is the process of growing plants that instead of using soil, uses water, a growing medium, and nutrient solution. It offers exceptional levels of control over nutrients, light, water, temperature and other environmental factors, allowing gardeners to optimise their growth and maximise yields, even in limited space. Hydroponics is... Hydroponics is the process of growing plants that instead of using soil, uses water, a growing medium, and nutrient solution. It offers exceptional levels of control over nutrients, light, water, temperature and other environmental factors, allowing gardeners to optimise their growth and maximise yields, even in limited space. Hydroponics is...

By Brett McBride Read more

1. Maintain a constant temperature and improve climate control with easy grow reflective sheeting.2. Ensure proper nutrient mixing and oxygenation of your reservoir by using an air bubbler and air stone.3. Maintain pH levels with a Prosystem Aqua automatic pH dosing pump, and avoid essential nutrients being locked out of... 1. Maintain a constant temperature and improve climate control with easy grow reflective sheeting.2. Ensure proper nutrient mixing and oxygenation of your reservoir by using an air bubbler and air stone.3. Maintain pH levels with a Prosystem Aqua automatic pH dosing pump, and avoid essential nutrients being locked out of...

By Brett McBride Read more
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